Matt & Steve's Original Lightly Spiced
Matt & Steve's Hot & Spicy
Made For Canadians by Canadians
Now available in Ontario , British Columbia , Alberta , Saskatchewan , Manitoba , Nova Scotia
Premium Vodka - Column Distilled & Charcoal Filtered
100 % Vine Ripened Tomatoes
A splash of Extreme Bean Brine
An aromatic blend of select herbs & spices
Smooth and Easy Drinking
Matt & Steve's Journey
The Matt & Steve’s journey started with the simple idea of trying to make the Caesar a little better .
We first tackled the garnish introducing The Extreme Bean with its big flavour and big crunch , it quickly became a favourite among Caesar drinkers .Our journey took us across Canada sampling thousands of Caesars introducing Canadians to The Extreme Bean . We learned a few lessons along the way and we realized the Journey was just beginning . We listened to those passionate Caesar drinkers and then Crafted our Matt & Steve’s Caesar rim from a blend of fresh herbs and spices that prepares the palette and enhances the Caesar experience . At that time we also started adding a splash of Extreme Bean brine to thin out the beverage and give it a smooth easy drinking feel .
We have taken all of our lessons and have now put it in a easy to drink can , We are very excited for you to try the New Matt & Steve’s
Original Caesar - Lightly Spiced.
Watch Matt & Steve's Caesar Journey
Matt & Steve's Caesar
Original -Lightly Spiced & Hot & Spicy

Premium CANADIAN Vodka
We chose a premium Canadian vodka that is column distilled and charcoal filtered to remove any impurities .

Our tomato paste is created form 100 % Vine Ripened Tomatoes picked at the peak of freshness .

An aromatic blend of select herbs and spices that creates a balanced Caesar with the perfect amount of flavour

Extreme Bean Brine
We add a splash of Extreme Bean to create a smooth and easy drinking Caesar
Matt & Steve's Original Lightly Spiced
Matt & Steve's Hot & Spicy
Made For Canadians by Canadians
Now available in Ontario , British Columbia , Alberta , Saskatchewan , Manitoba , Nova Scotia
Premium Vodka - Column Distilled & Charcoal Filtered
100 % Vine Ripened Tomatoes
A splash of Extreme Bean Brine
An aromatic blend of select herbs & spices
Smooth and Easy Drinking

Everyone is invited ...
Drink it Chilled right out of the can or pour over ice in a glass rimmed with Matt & Steve's Caesar rim and Garnish with an Extreme Bean . We invite you to raise a glass or can and enjoy
a few Tasty Beverages with us .
Matt & Steve
3660 Odyssey Drive #1 , Mississauga , Ontario ,

Made for Canadians by Canadians